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Parallel Nursery

Booth: 1223

Company Description:

Native plant nursery offering 120 + perennial species from VA + the Mid-Atlantic ecoregion, with over 50 VA ecotypes available! We are a majority woman owned small business located in Richmond, VA (Nursery visits by appointment only).

Our inventory is selected to include many pollinator favorites + habitat building plants, providing a range of suitable options for all types of landscapes. Parallel plants are grown sustainably, outdoors in a natural + renewable medium, ensuring easy transplant and a strong start. With our plants you know you’re creating a healthy + eco-friendly garden enjoyable for both you and your local wildlife.

New Products

Limited selection of VA Bluebells (1gallon/6"pot) + Wild Geraniums (quart)

Mix and Match 6 Packs -Get x6 of our small (but mighty) Landscaping Plug size plants in a compostable carrying case. You save $1 off each plant!

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